Early Childhood Education
In February 1974, Msgr. Jose Flores established the Holy Family Parochial School, commencing its educational journey with 33 kindergarten pupils under the guidance of the Good Shepherd Sisters….
We believe that true education aims at the total formation of the learners and his/her ultimate goal is to unite himself with his/her Creator.
We believe in the virtues and the example lived by the HOLY FAMILY, in faith and obedience, unity, courage, loyalty and devotion.
We believe that as a community of Christ-like disciples we are empowered and sent through effective servant-leadership moving towards becoming the Church of the Poor.
We believe that the school is an important force in strengthening Filipino families; inculcating duties of citizenship, patriotism, nationalism and integrated in the pastoral activity of the parish and communities.
We believe that we must not only learn but also live our faith. We believe in the continued religious and quality academic excellence.
The Holy Family Parochial School is a communion of learners and evangelizers becoming effective witnesses of the gospel values through a Christ-centered Education.
The Holy Family Parochial School is committed to Quality Catholic Education through integral faith formation and the development of the whole person moved by Faith, Family, Fortitude and Fidelity.
Towards the full realization of our Vision and Mission, HFPSians will: 1. Turn into a living proof of Christian Discipleship by:
• Participating in cooperative learning experiences
At the center of the seal is the Holy Family; the child Jesus is in the middle, a symbol of a family united in faith and love.
Furthermore, it means that being guided by the Holy Family of Nazareth, the HFPS commits itself to holistic formation of an individual, all for Jesus, the Divine Master, all through Mama Mary, the Seat of Wisdom, all in imitation of St. Joseph, the Model Worker.
Early Childhood Education includes Nursery, Pre-Kinder and Kinder levels.